
发现一个好用的方法,就是加上一些how, why, is, 等等词语,就可以多维度的分析关键词的情况:

- 使用谷歌搜索免费API调用
谷歌关键词获取自动提示方法-Google Keyword Suggestions:
Copied!http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&gl=COUNTRY&q=Your_QUERY //当访问这个地址api就会得到关键词列表

2 . 使用Python自动化和数据抓取
#start import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Define Class class QuestionsExplorer: def GetQuestions(self, questionType, userInput, countryCode): questionResults = [] # Build Google Search Query searchQuery = questionType + " " + userInput + " " # API Call googleSearchUrl = "http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&gl=" + \ countryCode + "&q=" + searchQuery # Call The URL and Read Data result = requests.get(googleSearchUrl) tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(result.content)) root = tree.getroot() for suggestion in root.findall('CompleteSuggestion'): question = suggestion.find('suggestion').attrib.get('data') questionResults.append(question) return questionResults # Get a Keyword From The User userInput = input("Enter a Keyword: ") # Create Object of the QuestionsExplorer Class qObj = QuestionsExplorer() # Call The Method and pass the parameters questions = qObj.GetQuestions("is", userInput, "us") # Loop over the list and pring the questions for result in questions: print(result) print("Done") #en
github 代码地址: https://github.com/hassancs91/Keyword-Research-tool-python
3 .构建微型SaaS给大众使用
我们可以请教大模型/chatgpt,让它帮忙把python程序转为线上可以访问的代码,提供API, 以下是提示语:
你是一名程序员,现在需要把以下python代码转为 fastapi 提供线上访问: ### #start import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Define Class class QuestionsExplorer: def GetQuestions(self, questionType, userInput, countryCode): questionResults = [] # Build Google Search Query searchQuery = questionType + " " + userInput + " " # API Call googleSearchUrl = "http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&gl=" + \ countryCode + "&q=" + searchQuery # Call The URL and Read Data result = requests.get(googleSearchUrl) tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(result.content)) root = tree.getroot() for suggestion in root.findall('CompleteSuggestion'): question = suggestion.find('suggestion').attrib.get('data') questionResults.append(question) return questionResults # Get a Keyword From The User userInput = input("Enter a Keyword: ") # Create Object of the QuestionsExplorer Class qObj = QuestionsExplorer() # Call The Method and pass the parameters questions = qObj.GetQuestions("is", userInput, "us") # Loop over the list and pring the questions for result in questions: print(result) print("Done") #en
- 大模型/chatgpt 回答:
以下是将 Python 代码转换为 FastAPI 并提供在线访问所需的代码: ```python from fastapi import FastAPI import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET app = FastAPI() # Define Class class QuestionsExplorer: def GetQuestions(self, questionType, userInput, countryCode): questionResults = [] # Build Google Search Query searchQuery = questionType + " " + userInput + " " # API Call googleSearchUrl = "http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&gl=" + \ countryCode + "&q=" + searchQuery # Call The URL and Read Data result = requests.get(googleSearchUrl) tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(result.content)) root = tree.getroot() for suggestion in root.findall('CompleteSuggestion'): question = suggestion.find('suggestion').attrib.get('data') questionResults.append(question) return questionResults # Get a Keyword From The User @app.get("/get_questions/") def get_questions(userInput: str): # Create Object of the QuestionsExplorer Class qObj = QuestionsExplorer() # Call The Method and pass the parameters questions = qObj.GetQuestions("is", userInput, "us") return questions ``` 这段代码使用 FastAPI 创建了一个名为 `/get_questions/` 的接口,它接受一个名为 `userInput` 的字符串作为输入。当调用这个接口时,它会调用 `QuestionsExplorer` 类中的 `GetQuestions` 方法来获取问题列表,并将其作为响应返回。您可以将此代码部署到服务器上,并通过访问接口来获取用户输入对应的问题列表。
4, 多维度考察搜索关键词:
参考: https://learnwithhasan.com/keyword-research-with-ai/
刚才考察的是 “is” 附带的关键词,这里我们可以多维度考察 关键词的不同层面的情况,附带关键词参数如下:
"Questions": ["who", "what", "where", "when", "why", "how", "are"] "Prepositions": ["can", "with", "for"] "Alphabit": list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") "Comparisons": ["vs", "versus", "or"] "Intent-Based": ["buy", "review", "price", "best", "top", "how to", "why to"] "Time-Related": ["when", "schedule", "deadline", "today", "now", "latest"] "Audience-Specific": ["for beginners", "for students"] "Problem-Solving": ["solution", "issue", "error", "troubleshoot", "fix"] "Feature-Specific": ["with video", "with images", "analytics", "tools"] "Opinions/Reviews": ["review", "opinion", "rating"] "Cost-Related": ["price", "cost", "budget", "cheap", "expensive", "value"] "Trend-Based": ["trends", "new", "upcoming"]
具体代码地址: https://github.com/hassancs91/Keyword-Bomber-Tool

suggestion_keywords_analysis = """ You are an expert in SEO and data-driven marketing strategies. You am familiar with analyzing keyword data, including metrics like search volume, paid competitors, SEO difficulty, and cost per click. Using the provided [Keyword_data] categorized into various themes as follows: Questions: Keywords starting with 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when', 'why', 'how', 'are'. Prepositions: Keywords including 'can', 'with', 'for'. Alphabet: Keywords beginning with each letter from A to Z. Comparisons: Keywords containing 'vs', 'versus', 'or'. Intent-Based: Keywords with 'buy', 'review', 'price', 'best', 'top', 'how to', 'why to'. Time-Related: Keywords related to 'when', 'schedule', 'deadline', 'today', 'now', 'latest'. Audience-Specific: Keywords like 'for beginners', 'for small businesses', 'for students', 'for professionals'. Problem-Solving: Keywords around 'solution', 'issue', 'error', 'troubleshoot', 'fix'. Feature-Specific: Keywords with 'with video', 'with images', 'analytics', 'tools', 'with example'. Opinions/Reviews: Keywords including 'review', 'opinion', 'rating', 'feedback', 'testimonial'. Cost-Related: Keywords about 'price', 'cost', 'budget', 'cheap', 'expensive', 'value'. Trend-Based: Keywords like 'trends', 'new', 'upcoming'. Please analyze these keyword suggestions and provide SEO strategy advice for each category. Focus on: Content Strategy: Suggest types of content and approaches that could be effective for targeting keywords in each category. Audience Engagement: Offer insights into how to engage different audience segments based on the keyword categories. Competitor Analysis: Briefly discuss potential competitive landscapes for these keyword categories. Long-Term SEO Planning: Provide ideas on incorporating these keywords into a broader SEO strategy, considering their categorical themes. Provide a list of 7-10 bullet-point suggestions on how to use these keywords, highlighting unique opportunities and challenges they present. [Keyword_data]: {KEYWORD_DATA} """